Career and Technical Education (CTE)
At Smithville ISD we want to ensure all our students are ready to participate in the future job market.
Animal Science
Computer Science
Culinary Arts
Business & Marketing
Construction Technology
Health Sciences
TEALS Program
Did you know that only 40% of our U.S. high schools teach computer science, yet there are currently over 500,000 open computer science positions without talent to fill them? We have a plan to help change this equation in our community.
Strengthen Our Community
Smithville High School has an opportunity to partner with Microsoft Philanthropies TEALS to bring computer science courses to our high school. The TEALS program recruits, trains, mentors, and places passionate technology professionals into high school classes as volunteer instructors to team teach. Since 2009, TEALS has brought computer science education to hundreds of schools. This is an exciting and innovative way to open new pathways and career choices to our students!
How You Can Help
We need to demonstrate that we can help recruit volunteers from the computer science or software engineering fields to participate in the TEALS program with our teachers.
We need your help as a community to spread the word to businesses, organizations, and other individuals with strong ties to computer science. Specifically, we are looking for local professionals in the computer science or software engineering field who might serve as a volunteer to co-teach a class. Thank you for your time. If you have any questions or wish to discuss opportunities to promote, please contact me or TEALS directly through the contact form on their website at Interested individuals may also attend a free information webinar. The webinar schedule may be found at
Contact Dr. Bethany Logan